Revitalized Stewardship Capital Campaigns

“It is more than fund raising; it is faith raising!”

“Stewardship is where the Lordship of Christ and the lifestyle of the Christian intersect.”

10 Benefits of Revitalized Stewardship includes:

  • Complete Customized Campaigns to fit your church’s personality and needs.
  • Sensitive to your people. We won’t wipe out your people financially.
  • We have never had a negative Campaign in the company’s 25 years.
  • We provide consulting for the entire 3 yrs and provide a Mid-Campaign at no additional consultant fee.
  • We are the industry price leader for a consultant.
  • We adhere to the highest standards of professionalism.
  • Consultants have over 25 yrs of Campaign experience.
  • We personally train every committee for the Campaign.
  • We don’t use guilt or pressure techniques. We believe Stewardship is Lordship.
  • We empower your people for long term growth and leadership.


Connect with experts who can coach you and help you lead your local church.


New ministry opportunities and leaders will be developed through our stewardship process.

God is in the business of raising people to new levels of Devotion, Commitment, and Maturity.

Contact Us to Find Out More


Campaign Focus

The mission of a campaign is to present the vision of the church in such a compelling way that the people share the vision and feel honored to support it.

➣ Financial decisions flow from spiritual decisions.

➣ Giving is a work of the heart, not a decision of the head.

➣ Raising people is the most effective way to raise money.