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Regular Price: $397

  • 15 online video teaching sessions
  • MP3 audio download for each session
  • PDF notes for each session
  • BONUS: 2 video teaching sessions on Millennials in the church
  • BONUS: 2 video teaching sessions on how to conduct a church membership class
  • BONUS: Emotional Intelligence Assessment
  • BONUS: Vision Statement Development Tool
  • BONUS: Outward Focus Tool
  • BONUS: Community Survey Tool
  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

15 Online Video Modules on Church Revitalization from Thom S. Rainer
More than seven hours of step-by-step training & instruction you can download and watch whenever or wherever you want.

Consultation Topics Include:

• Tips for Success
• Seven Things That Can Stop You from Leading Revitalization
• Seven Ways to Deal with Critics
• The Four-Legged Stool to Revitalization
• The Awesome Power of a High Expectation Church
• Ten Examples of Raising Expectations in Your Church
• Simple Church and Revitalization
• Revitalization and an Outward Focus
• Ten Practical Examples of Outward Focus
• Relational Skills for Leaders
• Leadership Skills
• A Checklist for Revitalization

Leadership Training
Learn what seminary or Bible college failed to teach you

  • Leadership training is often lacking in most educational training for pastors and ministers.
  • Learn how to resolve conflict and communicate better with your church leadership and staff.


  • Come back to the content time and time again as needed. You have unlimited access to the content for as long as you'd like. There are no expiration dates on the videos.
  • Each session includes downloadable notes, practical examples, audio files, and related bonus content.
  • Learn at your own pace. You can take your entire church staff or leadership team through the consultation videos on your timetable and at your convenience.
  • Learn wherever you are. All videos can be played on any internet-connected device. Watch on your phone, tablet, or computer. No special equipment or software needed.


Purchase today, and we’ll throw in the following bonus module and downloadable resources for FREE.


Emotional Intelligence Evaluation

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. This personal E.Q. evaluation allows you to realize how best to react and adapt to certain situations you undoubtedly will face while revitalizing a church.

Outward Focus Examples

In this downloadable PDF, Six Categories of Outward Focus for Churches, you will learn the basics of turning your church's focus from inward to outward and gain valuable insights into examples of outward-focused ministries and events.

How to Create a Mission Statement Template

This template allows you to customize your church's mission statement to reflect your discipleship process. Eliminate the jargon and clichés to simply reflect what your church is about.

Emotional Intelligence Evaluation

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. This personal E.Q. evaluation allows you to realize how best to react and adapt to certain situations you undoubtedly will face while revitalizing a church.

Outward Focus Examples

In this downloadable PDF, Six Categories of Outward Focus for Churches, you will learn the basics of turning your church's focus from inward to outward and gain valuable insights into examples of outward-focused ministries and events.

How to Create a Mission Statement Template

This template allows you to customize your church's mission statement to reflect your discipleship process. Eliminate the jargon and clichés to simply reflect what your church is about.

30-Day Money Back
Guarantee Included

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